Sunday, November 11, 2012

One Minute Goals

I am loving our 5 Pillar class so much that I went ahead and bought all the books for the 2nd tutorial!

I am almost done with one of those books, "The One Minute Teacher."  (Don't be too impressed, it's tiny!)

Long story short, I  had a SayGoBeDo to write up my goals in One Minute Goal form, (You will have to read the book!)  Including my stumbling blocks!  My commitment is to read and feel these every morning.

I also have been reading a book called,  "The Slight Edge"  by Jeff  Olson.  This book together with what I am learning from the "One Minute Teacher" have life changing ideas in them.  As I told my counselor friend, I have no excuses now!  :-)

I have been negligent in writing on this blog about my SayGoBeDo's.  I have had a few regarding my children, just little things such as a compliment or some small expression of love.  Nothing big but I think the law of accumulation works here!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Planner Faux Pas

Several times today I had the thought that I should get my planner out and look at it. I normally keep it open and refer to it several times during the day, but didn't today. I ignored the feeling saying to myself that I knew what I had going on. So tonight at our ward Halloween party, a man came up to me and asked if the bishop had talked to me. At which point I realized I had a food order to fill with that family and had completely forgotten about it. It was written down in my planner, though. If I would have looked I could have taken care of that order in time for them to get groceries tonight. Listen, listen!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Our brains are amazing! They can organize information like no other. They can wrap things up and put them in the nicest little compartments and then keep that compartment separate from all the other little compartments. I think that has happened to me with Say GO Be Do. I learned this new principle and am trying to live it. It has spread to and joined many of the little compartments, but some of them are still closed to it. When it comes to people or my to do list, I can listen and follow well, but when it comes to exercising hard or what I put in my mouth, there is this big disconnect. I am just on auto-pilot. But at the same time I think that trust is trust and I want to be trusted in all areas of my life, not just some of them. This is my focus this week to stop and feel before I eat.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

This morning I had a wonderful SayGoBeDo moment. My heart was filled with gratitude for my blessings here on earth.  I felt grateful for our home, our animals and the potential for good that we have here.  I felt like I should send my husband a text message and express my gratitude for all he has done to support us and for believing in me.  I think it made him very happy!  Then there was the ripple affect of everyone in the home feeling that spirit and feeling happy.  Then there was the feeling to text my older sons and express love and confidence to them as well.  It was a great feeling and I have gained an understanding that when we do things the Lord's way- all things are possible.  When we don't - all things are miserable!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No Scouts for DS

I didn't listen to a Say Go Be Do and both my son and I are paying the consequences. On Sunday I learned of a merit badge camp that my son really needs. His leader was out of flyers but said he'd get me one. It was sent to me as an email image, like they had scanned a flyer and emailed it to me. It was hard to read, so I passed it by thinking I would get back to it. I had the thought that I should just take care of it right then, but I didn't want to interrupt reading the rest of my email and get up and get a credit card, etc. I thought about it again a couple of other times during the day, but was busy and just told myself I could get to it after the kids were in bed. Well, the registration closed at 5:00pm. I called this morning and there is nothing they can do. It is full. We could do a walk-on registration, but all of the required merit badge classes are full, so it doesn't really help him out. Aaaargh! Do you think it will ever become second nature to just ALWAYS follow? I'm going to keep trying.
11/30 Janette

Monday, October 22, 2012

Back at It

What a whirlwind the last few days have been as my friends and family really came together to celebrate my birthday with me. It was just what I needed to help me feel loved and relevant. Thoughts can be so silly. I've had a lot of them the last few weeks, but think they are finally out of my system. I've wondered if trying to follow Say Go Be Do with more integrity has allowed the people in my life to respond to me with more integrity. That is too deep to explore right now before bed.
I've had some good experiences the last few days. I have seen how Say Go Be Do can calm anger, appease hurt feelings and avoid miscommunication. I have also seen how it can strengthen relationships and move love forward. I am so glad I am doing this challenge. Tomorrow I want to pay even closer attention to the little (and big) things and give a more detailed report. Til then, Janette 9/30

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Last Saturday we had an all day event in a town mid-way across the state from our home.  This is an annual event we participate in every fall for those family members taking Suzuki method strings lessons.  Usually I look forward to this day as a time to regenerate and escape the pain of things in my life that are well...painful.  This time the pain came with me and felt terribly oppressed through out the morning sessions and lunch.  I felt frequently that I should journal, that writing it all out would be helpful. I felt like this was a SayGoBeDo and when I had an opportunity to go to a quiet secluded place to write, I did so.

Through this exercise I was able to see some light through the dark clouds that were shrouding my mind. I felt very grateful to have received that SayGoBeDo.  It help me see things differently and gave me the point where I needed to focus my attention.

The interesting thing to me is that at times these are open ended promptings meaning that often as not the thing I feel to do required further thought, further action, further follow through. I guess that is called progression?  :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Would Have Forgotten

Last night, I was tired and It was time for me to get some sleep, so I had decided to forgo my usual evening routine list, but I had a Say Go Be Do to add dd12's volleyball party to my calendar. Then, I thought I could just do it tomorrow, but recognized Say Go Be Do and pulled open my email to double check the time. The email wasn't just about the party but also about team pictures that were being taken today and then uniforms being turned in. I had completely forgotten! I'm so glad I looked because I was able to get her uniform washed without stress this morning.  Had I not looked, she either would have not shown up, shown up with dirty uniforms or I would have been an angry stress ball.
I am trying harder to listen to all of the little things. Sometimes they seem so piddly and insignificant (do those words mean the same thing?). I caught myself rolling my eyes at them a couple of times today, but hopefully I'm getting obedience points. 2/30 JW

Monday, October 15, 2012

How Do I Delegate?

This week I have a couple of big projects going on and it is also my birthday which requires some time. I started a new mentoring program called "The Climb" with Joanel Read and my Relief Society is having a Super Saturday. Plus, I'm having some work issues I need to work on and then just the daily tasks required of a mother/homemaker/wife etc. I LOVE all these aspects of my life and don't want to remove any, but today I started to feel stress creeping through my veins leaving prickly discomfort. But I will not give in to it. I will delegate! I know a woman who would love a little extra work, so I will just pay for some of these things to get done. I have never done this before, but I believe it is a SayGoBeDo.
I prayed early this morning for the spirit and obedience. I felt it with me all day as I moved through my tasks. Even just little things, like move that bowl so it doesn't spill or call so and so. I have everything either accomplished or written down like I committed. I have now blogged and kept that commitment. It feels good. 1/30 JW

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Am I Committed?

I looked at how many days it has been since I've blogged and realized that my commitment is definitely not where it should be. Where I want it to be. Right now, this minute, I commit to all of you that I will pray and meditate on SayGoBeDo in the morning. I will either immediately do or write down every SayGoBeDo that comes to me. I will blog about my experiences every night before I go to sleep and I commit to do this for the next 30 days. I think it has the possibility of helping me become the kind of woman God wants me to be. Excuses will not get me there.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I had a say go be do while I was at a doTERRA convention.  They were talking about how they are beginning to have success in other countries and they mentioned Latin America.  My husband has a Bachelors degree in Latin American Studies and an MBA.  I thought to myself, "Huh.  He should get a job working for doTERRA in Latin American sales."  It was just a random thought, but it wouldn't leave me.  So then I began to think, "Is this a Say, Go,Be, Do?"  and I said a silent prayer in my heart.  I said to my father in heaven that if he wanted my husband to apply for a job with doTERRA then to please let me run into the Director of Sales for Latin America.  Now, you have to understand I have no rank at doTERRA.  I was sitting in the middle of 7,000 other people and all of the directors were way in the front.  The chances of my seeing this guy were slim-to-none and I knew it.  Yet, not two minutes after my prayer, the Director of Latin America walked down the aisle two rows ahead of me.  I followed him with my eyes until I saw him sit down. My heart began to race and I felt like I should go talk to him.  If I hadn't just listened to the Say, Go, Be, Do LEMI call on my way to the convention I think I would have told myself I was silly and to forget it.  Besides, I NEVER do things like that.  I hate approaching anyone whom I feel inferior to.  This man is ultra successful and who am I to ask him if he'd like to look at my husband's resume?! Well...I just sat there for another 15 min, until the session was over and it was time to break for lunch.  But, instead of getting up and leaving quickly like I usually do at conventions, I stayed in my seat. I waited.  I was nervous. But, when I saw him coming down the aisle again I yelled in my head, "SAY, GO, BE, DO!" and I walked up to that man and asked him if he needed some help in Latin American Sales!  I was so embarrassed and I'm sure I was rather awkward, but I did it!  Boy it was hard...but I did it!  Now, we'll have to wait and watch and see what that was all about.  Maybe it will come to naught, but maybe it was meant to be.

BTW - this is Taylene (I'm Defender of Freedom)

Too busy for Say Go Be Do?

So today I got so many things accomplished. I feel caught up and at peace with the roles in my life, but I think I was so busy just doing stuff: meetings, housework, church work, etc, that I didn't leave any space for Say Go Be Do. Tomorrow is another busy day, but I will definitely make it a focus of prayer in the morning and try harder to listen and act.
Would love to hear how you are doing. Janette

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

I loved General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this weekend. I didn't keep official track, but it seemed that every talk mentioned the principles of Say Go Be Do and  how following those principles brings peace and joy to our lives. It really gave me a sense of security that I am on the right track working on this challenge.
I was also in the midst of a relationship problem this weekend. I found that my focus on my hurt feelings really kept me from feeling Say Go Be Do. However, this morning I did feel a Say Go Be Do to read from The Ensign instead of my regular scripture reading and the first article was about forgiveness and how it is a key to having a strong family. So I followed the advice and was able to forgive. I feel so much better. I still have some hurt and confusion as to how to live with unmet emotional needs, but I was able to let go of the anger and hardness towards the other person. Sometimes it is so hard to be patient and wait for things to play out.
Onward and upward with Say Go Be Do. Janette

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012

It is really hard for me to write when I wait until right before bed and I am so tired. I know I've had thoughts during the day about what to write about, but they seem all fogged in now. Most of my say go be dos are about little things like changing the laundry. "Go change the laundry." "I'll do it after I finish working out. It can wait til I go upstairs." "Go change the laundry." "Okay." I open the dryer and see that I forgot to turn it on when I switched the clothes from the washer. I turned it on and stayed on schedule for my day. Another example from today: "Take a video over to L***'s kids when you go to your meeting today." "I don't know what they watch. What if I take something her kids don't want to see? What if I take something she doesn't think a Relief Society president should allow her children to see?" "Take a video with you." I pick a fun g-rated movie and when I get to her house, find out she has a sick child home from school, bored to death. Neither of these examples were a big deal. If I hadn't followed through nothing bad would have happened. Following through didn't change the world in any way. I was having thoughts like this and wondering if I'm really hearing Say Go BE Do or just my own thoughts of how to organize my time and then a real thought came to me that Heavenly Father is helping me practice. I need to start with these very small, somewhat inconsequential things to show that I can be trusted with larger things. How amazing would the world be if all of us were doing every single Say Go Be Do everytime they came to us? Hard to imagine except that I know MY life is better when I follow through with my Say Go Be Dos. Janette

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day #3- JW

Today I was out of sync. This morning for scripture study I read scripture that had come to my mind on Saturday. It was very inspirational and good, but then I went to babysit a baby for a friend. I took him for a walk and had planned to walk to my mom's to clean up for her. I had the saygobedo that that wasn't a good idea, but I did it anyway because that was my plan. The little guy got very upset after being there for about ten minutes and I felt like he was a little traumatized not being with his mom which wouldn't have happened had I just left him in his stroller. Darn!! After that I just wasn't connecting and then around 4:00 I got in the shower and had the distinct feeling that I should share a story from Laddie with my 10 year old and her friend that was over, but when I got out of the shower I saw my computer and remembered I had told a mentee I would give them a response to their paper this morning and I had forgotten, so I sat down and did that instead and then was distracted by three other assignments waiting for feedback. When I finished with them, I went to tell the story and the little girl had gone home. Another missed opportunity. Is anyone else feeling like this is really hard? I thought I was good at listening, but so far not so much. I'm glad I have 28 more days of consistent practice.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Yesterday I didn't do a good job of focusing on Say Go Be Do, so I added it to my morning and evening routines where I would see it several times a day and today I had three small experiences. First, as I was reading my scriptures, I had the thought to pick up a little inspiration book and turned to this scripture, "I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; And then sahll ye know, or by this shall you know, all things whatsoever you desire of me, which are pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believeing in me that you shall receive." I thought it was a perfect witness of what Say Go Be Do is to me and it strengthened my resolve to focus my attention. Second, I was leaving for an appointment to meet a friend and had the thought as I was running out the door to grab a couple of apples to give to her. When I handed them to her at the park, she was so happy. She said she was going to be at the park for a couple of hours and left without anything and was worried about her blood sugar getting low. Had I not taken the apples, as I almost didn't because I was running a little late, I probably never would have known the difference. I doubt food would have come up. It love helping people, so it made me feel really good to know I had helped. Lastly, I was waiting in my car for my daughter to come out of volleyball practice and saw a boy that was trying to get into the locked building. He was standing with a backpack and looked a little lost. I had the thought to offer him my cell phone and then immediately started having thoughts like, "You don't want to scare him," and "I'm sure he's fine." and other such things. But I realized what was happening and offered him my phone. He accepted immediately, called his mom and felt much better knowing she was on her way to pick him up. I realize it has been awhile since I've done this kind of writing. I put it off several times tonight. It is uncomfortable for me, but I'm excited for the growth. I can tell it will bring growth because of the discomfort. I really want to be consistent with this skill. I'm glad that you are doing it with me. Janette

Monday, October 1, 2012

Giving Ear to His words

The scriptures ask us to give ear to God's words. I'm really excited to share this journey with all of you. I know this is my next right step.  I need to grow in my ability to hear God's word, in recognizing His voice, and especially in taking action.  On Saturday evening I attended the General Relief Society meeting that was broadcast in my chapel.  I heard a story of a woman who was six months pregnant who began to bleed and called her husband.  He told her to call 911 immediately and that he would meet her at the hospital.  She didn't have time to call the number before there was a knock on her door.  It was the ladies from her church who were assigned to watch and care for her.  They had felt that they needed to visit her at that moment.  They were able to take her directly to the hospital and she was able to survive as well as her new baby who was delivered that day 3 months prematurely.  That story touched me.  I want to be the kind of woman that God can send that kind of message to, and that I will be obedient to His voice.  Yesterday at church I went asking God a very specific question about my life.  In one of my classes, I received the answer to the question.  It is too private to share but it was a SAYGOBEDO.  So last night I did what I was asked to do by God.  And I plan to do it every day of my life because I know that is what God wants me to do.  I was talking about this with my husband tonight.  He said that he believes these promptings come best when we meditate about certain people that we care about, we ponder in our hearts about their needs, we really love and pray for them and want to serve them.  This is when we are tuned into the right channel of receiving a SAYGOBEDO for certain people.  It isn't always that way but often it is because they are in our thoughts and God can send us to help them and grow to love them more.  Yesterday at church a thought came to me to say goodbye to a sister that I have come to care for and serve over the past year.  I knew that she was going to move away soon but when I went up to her to say goodbye and tell her I love her, I learned that she was moving to another city right after the services were over.  She has served as the leader over the children in church for the past 4 years.  She has blessed my life immensely.  Normally on Sundays I am too busy to talk to anyone so I am so grateful that God's voice called me to say goodbye.  It was so sweet.  -Until tomorrow...Marci